AND GAIN CONFIDENCEin your Ukrainian language skillsPROGRESS QUICKLYat our classes for adults
AT RADO TRANSLATIONSboth in-person and on Skype.WE PROVIDE UKRAINIANOur fees start at as low as $30 per 1-hour classLANGUAGE TUITION
FUN AND EFFICIENTUkrainian classes for children
Passionate – Personal – Professional
Hi, I’m Olena, a professional linguist, translator and teacher. I love languages and am passionate about teaching Ukrainian to English speakers.
Since 2014, I have been teaching Ukrainian to Australians online and in-person. I have taught Ukrainian to everyone from toddlers to adults and have had many happy students who enjoyed my classes. Many of them keep learning Ukrainian with me for years!
With me, your language learning journey will be fun and meaningful. You will quickly gain confidence in speaking, reading and writing in Ukrainian. With my professional guidance, you will find the best learning techniques that work for you and fulfill your dream of understanding and speaking the beautiful Ukrainian language.
Contact us today to find your way to learn the Ukrainian language.
“I haven’t come across any other live ‘Learning the Ukrainian Language’ programme so this is my first. I am enjoying your course because I am offered clear instructions on how the language has developed, how words with their various parts and descriptors are constructed and positioned in the sentence. The given homework provides the repetition to help consolidate the concepts learnt in class. Actively speaking the Ukrainian language during the course with a language professional has given me the oral practice to improve and further consolidate my understanding of the language.
I was hoping to work with an understanding and patient tutor who was able to introduce me to the various levels of study in a gradual and systematic way in order to build on my knowledge of the Ukrainian language. Olena has presented her lessons carefully, introducing each degree of difficulty gradually while taking into account my level of ability at every stage. For this I have been truly appreciative.
My heartfelt thanks for your teaching.
Maria -
“Thank you for being my language, grammar, history, literature and culture teacher! Your friendliness and funniness make learning a pleasure.”
Lara xx -
“You caught me off guard this morning when you thanked me for choosing to have lessons with you. The truth is that I feel really privileged to have a teacher as qualified and as effective as you. I really feel like I’ve won the lottery. For once, I’m confident that if I persist, I’ll be able to communicate effectively with my family. Do you know what that’s worth to me? True fluency and deep understand may be beyond me. But my goal is to understand and be understood … and I can see that with your teaching, guidance, and “pushing” :), I’m actually getting there … and to my great surprise, I’m really enjoying the journey.
Sincere, wholehearted thanks to you, the best Ukrainian teacher ever!”
Peter -
“I know I still need to master this (and remember), but I’m feeling more and more confident about this every time I practice. It becomes a pleasant and fulfilling journey for me to learn. Before, I was finding it hard work. Thank you for persisting with me.
You are a very clever and effective teacher 🙂”
Rob -
“Studying the Ukrainian Language course has been very rewarding for me. I have gained more confidence in using wider vocabulary and applying correct endings, so I sound more like a native-speaker now!”
Maria -
“Learning with Olena is flexible – adapting to my progress, my needs, and my interests; and personal – targeted at my specific goals (speaking with and understanding native speakers).”
Raelene -
“I think what also sets your method apart from others is that you focus on using grammar as a dynamic tool designed to be recalled quickly. Gone are the tables and rote learning. Grammar, all of a sudden, is something embedded in what I’m saying at that moment. Grammar became a tool not a rule and you convey complex grammar in simple terms.
So the diary writing, live conversation and grammar combine to create a practical method well suited to me. I’m really glad we got in touch.”
Henry -
“Having struggled many months to find a Ukrainian tutor I stumbled across an advert on the Internet for Ukrainian language tutoring.
Once I had contacted Olena via email, I could tell that she was very enthusiastic about teaching and decided to have a lesson.
My knowledge of Ukrainian was very little only a few words and limited knowledge of the alphabet.
Now after a couple of months of lessons Olena has given me huge confidence in learning Ukrainian. I am now confident in writing sentences, reading and speaking. Olena also gives me assignments, which keep me learning and always is trying new methods and techniques to find the best way that I learn, always taking care not to overload me with work but helping me to progress further.
I always look forward to my lessons knowing that I will progress each time with a fun and knowledgeable lesson.”
Stefan F. -
Jacob has just sung Pechu-Pechu Khlibcyk and Ravlyk-Pavlyk out of the blue for the first time ever. Every single word and the right melody too! I nearly burst into tears with pride and surprise! Thankyou for keeping us moving in the right direction. Hooray!!!
Kassy -
“Olena was my language teacher. I needed a tutor with the highest skills and qualification of Ukrainian and Russian (and also English) languages. Besides language tuition, she made presentations on the political, economic, cultural, geographical and other situations of Ukraine. Since I arrived in Kyiv and started my work as the Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine and Moldova, I realized how accurate and insightful her tuitions were.”
Hiromi, professional diplomat -
My grandson, Olak, has been attending Kolo for the last two years. He has developed from a shy toddler to a fully integrated participant. Olena has a wonderful rapport with children. With a patient and calm manner she brings out the best in children. The activities are age appropriate, engaging, stimulating, varied and most of all fun. Congratulations, Olena, on your successful Ukrainian programme.
Olesia R. -
“Olena was contracted by the International Consultants Centre to deliver a cultural briefing for an Australian professional and his family. The briefing was delivered with good preparation, insight and client focus and included input on Russian and Ukrainian language.”
Jane Hayman, ICC